May we never forget that the Lord works wonders for every one of his devoted lovers. And this is how I know that he will answer my every prayer. Psalm 4:3

Whatever you are facing today, we would be honoured and privileged to have you share your prayer requests with us. Our staff and prayer team will pray for you over the next week. May you be filled with God’s presence and peace.

Prayer centres our hearts on God

Martin's brother-in-law, Rayburn Lansdell, recently had a CT Scan and there is a 3 inch tumour on his pancreas and spots on the liver but it will be a couple of weeks before it is officially diagnosed. Please pray for the best possible explanation.

I Prayed For THIS

Steve Gordon, a neighbour to the Walker's and Cook's, had a fall and suffered sever injuries. His wife Dawn would appreciate prayers for them.

I Prayed For THIS

Once again this summer there are hundreds of forest fires burning across Canada, affecting many communities and people. Pray that everyone gets to safety and that the fires can be brought under control.

I Prayed For THIS

Caitlin Boden is safe. She evacuated from Jasper (Alberta) quickly on Monday night and after a long journey through BC, is now in Calgary. She believes the fire has hit her neighborhood and is waiting on confirmation today to see if her house has been affected. She is very sad about Jasper and the destruction this fire is causing but is happy to be safe. The government is working with the evacuees. She is currently staying in a hotel with a friend. Remember Caitlin and the people of Jasper, Alberta. This is a very small community and connections are strong there. Everyone is affected by this.

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Joel's sister Christy had a heart attack earlier this week. Please pray for continued healing. Joel is expected to start his furlough later next week and will be in the Niagara Region in the middle of August. Pray for safe travels for Joel, Kristin, Hiro, Megumi and the others that will be joining them.

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Remember those who are at Strawberry Point Christian Camp this week: Jeff and Kerri Kennedy, the Ewoniak’s, Megan Deel, Cindy and Lochlan Whitfield, and the Mogford's. Pray that they have safe travels to and from Manitoulin Island and that they have a great week with the kids that are there.

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Pray for the people in Ethiopia as they deal with devastating landslides. More than 200 people have lost their lives. The landslides were in a remote mountainous area southwest of the capital city.

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Kendra (Whitfield) Ellis passed away last Saturday (July 13). Kendra is a daughter-in-law to Eric & Kathy. Kendra's funeral will be on July 27 and more details will be provided at a later date.

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I am sad to say I lost a dear friend, Carol Noel on June 29. Carol was a great instrument to God in bringing me to Christ. She invited me to that Little Church of Christ on Summit Avenue here in Welland. We had many bible studies together. She knew Tammy Robinson before I did and we went on a road trip when I was a very knew Christian to visit Tammy and Steve and their new baby son. God gives us meaningful friends and even more meaningful sisters and brothers in Christ. I miss you all. I am in my own journey right now and I just ask for courage and guidance and wisdom and direction. Love Debra

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Please continue to pray for Charlie, (John’s dad), but also prayers of thanks for how well he has coped through everything. We are thankful for your prayers!♥️

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Please pray for Jason and Cintia Kumalo as the task of communicating with supporters transitions to them. Pray for their successful use of various means of communications. Also, pray a new generation of supporters to take the place of those who are passing on.

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Please keep Marvin Dickie & his family in your prayers. Marvin has been diagnosed with prostate cancer that has also metastasized in the bone. He is taking hormone and radiation treatments. Please pray the treatments are successful, for strength, and the medical team caring for Marvin.

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Brenda appreciates all prayers on her behalf! She has an update. Her sodium levels are normal thanks to new medication. She is doing much better! She is now waiting on results from her lung CAT scan. Please continue to remember Brenda in your prayers.

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Thank you for your continued prayers for John Mogford. He has received the results from his kidney biopsy and has ANCA Vasculitis which is affecting both kidneys. For the next 6 months John will be undergoing chemotherapy in an attempt to restore function in both kidneys. Please keep John and his family in your prayers as they navigate through this healing process.

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Dear Lord, Thank You for the people who lead our church. You have led them to serve You in this way, at this moment. I pray that they will be strengthened, encouraged, and blessed today. You know what their specific needs are. I pray that they will see Your provision and give You the glory. I pray that You will help them stay true to what You have called them to do. Give them wisdom as they serve the body of Christ today. May You draw them closer to You each day, and help them to serve You out of the spiritual strength that You give them today. In Christ Jesus’ Name, Amen (

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Last Sunday I was at Wellspring Church in Welland. One of their encouragements was to pray for the pastors of the church, so my first thought was yes! We need to pray for Noel and Megan. So here's one prayer I came across that I thought I would share that we could pray over Noel and Megan: Today I pray for the fruits of the spirit in Noel and Megan’s life—that love, joy, peace, and patience will guide; that kindness and goodness will be companions; that faithfulness will be the motto, and that gentleness and self-control will be evident to all. Help Noel and Megan to see each person today through Your eyes. And help them to see You in Noel and Megan. I love you, Lord, and I thank you for Noel and Megan, in Jesus’ name. (

I Prayed For THIS

Dear God, We cry out to you on behalf of the people seriously affected by the conflict in Gaza and Israel. Our hearts break at the devastation and suffering that we see, and we know it breaks yours, too. We ask that you would stretch out your mighty hand to bring an end to this war. We cry out for people who have been injured or traumatised, who have lost loved ones or their homes. Please provide everything they need and be their comfort, their hope, their healer, and their safe refuge. We pray for your peace to reign. We look to you as our Saviour and the hope of the world. Amen. (,an%20end%20to%20this%20war.)

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Pray for Joel and Hiro and their work with the Mito Church of Christ. Praise God for a safe and fruitful trip to Cambodia. More students are attending worship from Ibaraki Christian University, and also some high school students. Lots of visitors, and a wedding on (Aug 5) is a blessing for everyone. Continue to pray for financial support and travel over the next couple of months.

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Creator God, please heal Jeff Whitfield.

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Please remember all the families that are mourning loved ones.

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Let’s continue to pray for Earl & Jori as they deal with Earl’s Alzheimer’s.

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Continue to pray for the people of Ukraine and Russia, as the war in Ukraine is ongoing.

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Just send us your email and we’ll follow up!

Hope Martin is a long time member, growing up in the Town of Lincoln. She shares a bit of her story, and her service to youth programming for more than 50 years!

"In times of frustration and discouragement, God always "showed up," as if to say, 'I am still here, I promised to never leave you. Don't give up, it will get better."

Hope Martin